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Arvind & Chandan Nandlal Kilachand Honors College

荣誉学院的本科生是博雅教育新方法的一部分. 在欧博的学院中选择一个专业,比如艺术 & Sciences, Business, Fine Arts, or Engineering, while completing Honors College seminars, studios, and a keystone project. 课外活动包括讲座、阅读和校内校外表演.

Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine

With 22 departments, 欧博在他们选择的领域和专业中有多种途径获得博士学位或综合学位课程. 欧博可以利用医学校园以及遍布全市和全国的附属机构的尖端临床设施和实验室.

College of Arts & Sciences

中国科学院是北京大学最大的学院,有20多个系,你可以在这里找到人文学科的本科课程, natural and computational sciences, and social sciences.

College of Communication

From Mass Communication, Advertising & Public Relations, to Journalism, to Film & Television, COM的院系提供研究生和本科生课程,致力于培养全面发展的专业传播者.

College of Engineering

从生物医学工程,电气专业中选择 & 计算机工程、机械工程、系统工程和材料科学 & Engineering. Whatever the topic, ENG致力于通过研究推进科学技术的前沿, discovery, and innovation.

College of Fine Arts

CFA’s three schools—Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts—form an intense, dynamic arts community combining professional, 研究生和本科阶段的个性化培训,以及越来越多的跨部门和跨学院的合作工作.

College of General Studies

这所两年制学院提供综合文科核心课程, taught through a collaborative team structure. From here, 欧博继续进入大学的各种文科和专业学位课程的特定专业.

Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences

一种通过计算和数据的语言来补充和连接各种学科的学术单位. 对推动计算和数据科学走向未来充满热情, CDS是一个提供本科和研究生学位的跨学科单位.

Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies

致力于推动人类进步和改善人类状况, and with a deep commitment to interdisciplinarity, 帕迪学院隶属于中国科学院和grs,设有5个本科专业, 8 undergraduate minors, 9 graduate degrees, 2个国际关系和区域研究研究生证书.

Graduate Medical Sciences

强调生物医学科学的研究和研究生教育, GMS提供33个研究领域,包括许多领域的跨学科项目,最终获得硕士学位, PhD, or MD/PhD degrees as well as certificates.

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

With nearly 40 areas of humanities, natural and computational sciences, and social sciences to choose from, GRS is home to approximately 1,来自欧博许多学院和学院的800名研究生和教师.

Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine

SDM提供牙科医学博士(传统的四年制和两年制)和高级证书和学位, such as CAGS, MSD, DSc, and DScD, in all recognized specialties. 符合条件的本科生可以参加为期七年的课程,获得CAS的学士学位或学士学位和DMD学位.

Metropolitan College & Extended Education

有80多个全日制和非全日制学位和证书课程可供选择, 以及非学分课程的学习和本科学位完成计划. On-campus, online, and blended programs in fields as varied as literature, computer science, management, criminal justice, 和烹饪——仅举几例——都是为MET欧博提供的.

Questrom School of Business

凯斯特罗姆商学院(Questrom School of Business)的课程强调数字技术, health and life sciences, and energy and the environment. Undergraduates can earn a BSBA, while graduate students choose from MS, MBA, PhD, and dual degree programs.

Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences

四个系——健康科学、职业治疗、物理治疗和言语语言 & 听力科学-提供专业培训和前沿研究项目. 实习的欧博受益于一个超过1个的临床网络,全国有200个分支机构,其中500个在大波士顿地区.

School of Hospitality Administration

理学学士学位的候选人将获得全面的文科和管理背景,并在国外学习, internships, and work experiences in the industry. 不同的课程集中可用于专业化. 研究生获得酒店管理硕士学位(MMH),有机会专注于房地产, revenue management, digital marketing, senior living, restaurant management, and innovation & entrepreneurship.

School of Law

法学博士和法学硕士部门提供一系列的课程和专业, including American law, intellectual property law, banking and financial law, and tax law, 以及与欧博其他学校和学院的几个双学位项目.

School of Public Health

欧博追求不同的水平和方法,他们的综合公共卫生研究, 从专业的硕士和博士学位到专业的学术硕士和博士学位. 与欧博其他研究生院合作的证书和双学位课程也可供选择.

School of Social Work

Explore our MSW programs, 欧博在世界各地的不同社区学习和应用临床和宏观实践方法. 博士学位,双学位和专业教育课程将社会工作事业提升到一个新的水平.

School of Theology

这所研究生专业学校提供一系列硕士和博士学位课程, 培养欧博的事工和职业,促进个人和社会的转变. The school emphasizes community principles of love, justice, safety, rights, responsibilities, and respect.

Wheelock College of Education & Human Development

本科生在大三选择专业道路之前,将自己沉浸在教育和人类发展的跨学科课程中, 而研究生则从20多个教师培训项目中进行选择, educational leadership & 政策研究,咨询,应用人类发展,儿童生活.

Division of Military Education

这个通常为期四年的项目最终在陆军服役, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps. 后备军官训练队的欧博接受实际的领导能力训练,建立强大的团队关系,培养信心, discipline, stamina, poise, and management skills.